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九十八年度的金融市場隨著經濟環境逐漸穩定復甦,去年度受次貸風暴影響,期貨產業受惠於多空皆可操作的特點快速成長,奠下穩固基礎;期交所亦祭出包含選擇權商品手續費調降等多項政策配合市場發展,使今年國內期貨市場交易量維持高峰狀態,僅較去年小幅減少1.17%,達1.351億口。 KGI凱基證券、KGI凱基期貨於今年12月19日正式合併台証證券、台証(香港)以及台証期貨,為公司營運之重大進展;透過此次合併案,整合雙方業務資源、服務據點及優秀人才,於各項業務上皆展現極大綜效,合併後國內外市佔排名更一舉躍升至業界第一,未來在兩岸三地的大中華期貨市場中,KGI凱基期貨將更具發展潛力。 在新的一年中,凱基期貨已做好完善準備,將戮力發揮合併綜效,力求業務持續成長及獲利再提昇,除了持續深耕經紀業務,健全經紀客戶與法人客戶效率下單的完整解決方案外;在自營業務部份,仍將著重提升自營交易系統效率,及發展海外期貨市場交易策略以提高自營獲利。同時在內部營運方面,將持續精進內部作業效率與整合客戶服務模式,充分發揮TWOgether is Power的優勢;並且,積極籌畫證券交易輔助業務等各項新種業務,以及積極籌劃大中華期貨市場佈局,以期在充滿挑戰的競爭環境中保持領先,為股東創造最大收益。
服務項目有 網站設計 電子商城製作 gps車輛衛星監控 行車紀錄器 Casper is a multimedia website designing company. We specialize in the visual effects of website design. In our team, we are a group of designers who have creative designing techniques and a strong commerce sense leading the browsers into an Internet world that they will be amazed. For each of Casper’s projects, we consider the traits of the product, customers’ needs and future trends. Also, we will conduct several communication and propose complete marketing plans in order to provide perfect website solutions for our customers.
Keller Kalmach 成立於1878年,至今已有130年歷史,為一穩健經營之企業;德國總部位於慕尼黑,為德國主要五金、扣件、手工具批發通路商之一;近年來,公司集團成績顯著,總銷售額達1,9億歐元,庫存品項五萬件,集團全球員工數量515名;集團位於德國當地有十二個行銷據點,此外東西歐地區八個分公司,客戶數達兩萬。 Keller Kalmbach was founded in Munich in 1878 as a wholesaler of screws and black-smiths supplies. Today, KK is one of Germanys leading wholesale dealers in con-nector and fastener technology, custom parts, tools, power tools, and other assembly items, for trades and industry. In recent years, Keller Kalmbach has developed more and more into a logistical service provider for industry, and holds a leading position in this market. The total group achieves sales of over 190 million Euros with over 50,000 items in stock, and employs a staff of about 500. The almost twenty thousand customers are serviced from the head offices, or from one of the eleven sales agencies throughout the country.
Established in 2010 as a trading service company, Kafey International Co., Ltd. (KFi for short) has been growing to provide global buyers with value-added products with expert services, including product sourcing, ODM quality control. KFi is composed of three commerce teams to take care of worldwide business: 1. Third-Party Trade team. 2. Trade business team with our own design product. 3. Sundry Goods Product sourcing Quality Control service. For the product range, KFi has Garment Suitcase product range for all our customers. There are more than 200 different suppliers/vendors in Asia Pacific.
Z moto is specializeds in LED lighting system. Our LED emergency warning lights are the best performing, best looking lights available anywhere in the world. Founded in April 2000 as an optical engineering consulting firm, with its great team of engineers and an experienced staff from the manufacturing field Z moto has become an innovator in LED lighting. Our technologically superior patented optical system surpasses all others in quality and brightness. Customers recognize Z moto by our quality, customer service and innovation, which gives us the advantage to stay one step ahead of the competition. Our steady growth is the result of the solid foundation we developed by consulting with the end users in the industry, so that our engineers and designers can produce a product that is superior to all others. Z moto has committed its future to innovation and excellence in quality with strong emphasis on customer satisfaction that is acknowledged by all our customers.
利明週邊公司】( VIEWTEK Lee Ming Industrial Co., Ltd.),成立於民國61年,本公司營運涵蓋數項業務:(1)液晶螢幕(LCD)之研發製造(2)資訊產品代理經銷。 本公司業務以LCD OEM (外銷)及建立自有經銷通路(內銷)為主,提供完整之產品及專業技術,未來,我們將致力於LCD Base 的產品之開發及客戶服務上,希望能提供客戶 一個高滿意度(High Satisfaction)、高信賴度(High Reliability)之服務。 Founded in 1972 , Lee Ming devoted into LCD field from 1996 since become a quality LCD module and monitor manufacturer. Reputation is established by the satisfaction of customers and this even better than any advertisem
利沙企業成立於1987年,並於1997年開始自創產品開發設計,在國外市場(歐洲.美國.日本.韓國...)也都獲得客戶們的喜愛,獨特的設計及品質的控管也讓我們獲得客戶的信任與肯定,過去至今成功銷售至日本SONY PLAZA, Mary'S CHOCOLATE, PILOT, Interior chainstore “PLUS HEART” , 第二.三大量販連鎖Cainz, 韓國E.Land 集團百貨公司Department Store Outlet2001... 。 我們深信產品不只在創意本身,是單純的裝飾擺飾品或產品價格多寡,特別是在市場調查過程中,走訪接觸各國人文、背景、文化後,以商品概念 “VIVA – LIFE IS FULL OF POSSIBILITies”"生活是充滿各種可能性的",融合人最原始的需要 以分享"愛與關懷"做商品的發響創意,以便接觸人心,影響人心,表達對生命的渴望,釋放紓解現代人的種種壓力、緊張、憂慮或種種不確定性,引導消費者重視由外到內對生命價值的追求,進而提升以分享"愛與關懷"來做生活的內涵。 2010年研發設計全力推動Design in Taiwan 的創意生活用品的生活美學Life Style, 進入飲食美學Lohas Food Style, 整合台灣文化特色製成優質商品, 讓MIT的商品文化表達出最具前瞻 時尚性行銷到台灣,中國, 亞洲與世界各地。 基於LOHAS FOOD STYLE-自然 手工 好美味的概念, 推出品牌" 陽光彩虹"-陽光彩虹麵、陽光彩虹醬、食品設計包裝及居家生活飾品的研發製造及全球行銷 台灣經銷團購及策略聯盟,詳細請洽空中業務部 www.color-365.com, 台灣經貿網: www.taiwantrade.com.tw/lisaever e-mail: [email protected]
我們的使命: 專業、誠正、親切 Profession, Integrity, and sincerity 提供客戶量身打造的服務 Customized service 發展創新的解決方案 Provide creative and solution-oriented solutions 建立良好網絡關係 Establish good networking and provide one-stop-shopping service 我們的願景: 我們提供卓越價值的專業服務,以能符合客戶的需求為目標。 Our goal is to offer excellent, valuable and professional service to meet our client’s needs. 在新經濟時代中,成為協助客戶成功的事業夥伴。 Being a business partner, we assist our clients to achieve their goals and become successful.
AiT Semiconductor Inc.is a Fabless IC Design Company, devoted to design and marketing analog mixed signal integrated circuits. AiT Semiconductor Inc. provides the cost-effective and high-performed analog mixed signal integrated circuits for power management and audio applications.
Gennum Corporation (TSX: GND) designs innovative semiconductor solutions and intellectual property (IP) cores to serve the rising global demand for high-speed data transmission products in the broadcast, networking, storage and telecommunications markets. Gennum offers proven optical, analog and mixed-signal solutions with uncompromising signal integrity to support standards such as high-definition (HD) video, Fibre Channel, InfiniBand®, Ethernet, SONET and PCI Express®. The company is headquartered in Burlington, Canada, and has global design, research and development and sales offices in Canada, Mexico, Japan, Germany, United States, Taiwan, India and the United Kingdom.
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